We hope this information will help you help your students.
At Sheridan we want to work with you to support the success of your students.
What is the goal of the Dual Credit Program?
Dual Credit programs are ministry-approved programs that allow students, while they are still in secondary school, to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and earn credit toward a postsecondary diploma, or an apprenticeship certification.
My student has an IEP what services does the dual credit program offer at Sheridan offer to help them?
Sheridan offers Accessible Learning services to help students with disabilities to ensure barrier- free access to education. We strongly encourage students to self- advocate and connect with our Accessible Learning Center at their corresponding campus. Students must e-mail a copy of their IEP to their corresponding campus. Please note if you are registered at more than one campus only one registration at per a campus is required. Upon receiving the copy of the student’s IEP an appointment will be made to help accommodate the student. For more information please visit Sheridan Accessible Learning.
DAVIS: davis.als@sheridancollege.ca, HMC: hmc.als@sheridancollege.ca, TRAFALGAR: trafalgar.als@sheridancollege.ca
Which students are best suited to Dual Credit pathways?
Dual Credit is helpful for students who face challenges in completing their OSSD, but have the potential to succeed. Dual Credit is also a good choice for students in some Specialist High Skills Majors and OYAP programs.
What grade levels are suitable for Dual Credit pathways?
Most Dual Credit pathways are best suited for Grade 12 students. Some courses may also be suited to Grade 11 students.
How can I fit Dual Credit pathways into my student’s timetable?
Because of the timing of most classes, it is often easier to timetable Dual Credit if the student is on a co-op semester, but this is not always the case. For specific days, dates and times, please check with the dual credit contact at your school board for Sheridan’s per term workplan.
What supports are in place to help my student succeed at the college level?
At Sheridan we are here to support students’ success. In addition to smaller classes, there is a high school Dual Credit teacher and Sheridan’s student services to call on for more help. The Sheridan Dual Credit team provides an orientation to help your student understand what to expect, the rights and responsibilities of a college student and what help is available, and we invite you to participate. If your student has an IEP we highly encourage you to set up Sheridan Accessible Learning. Sheridan also offers Tutoring for select courses.
What are the biggest challenges for students?
College courses are shorter and more intense than high school courses and often involve a fair bit of reading and several assignments, projects, tests and exams. Test dates and assignment deadlines are firm and your student may need some coaching and preparation to be sure they understand the type of commitment needed for success. Regular attendance and motivation are important. Most dual credit students are successful, and the dual credit experience usually boosts their confidence and academic skills. Students are also encouraged to self- advocate as much as possible including communication with professors and school board monitors, setting up accommodations for IEPs, signing up for tutoring, etc.
If students want to apply to full time Sheridan program after taking a dual credit, how can they use this credit to their advantage?
Students can apply to have the dual credits they have earned recognized once they are admitted to a college program. Recognition will depend upon whether their dual credit courses are part of the full-time program they are enrolled in. Dual credits earned at another college would be assessed by the receiving college to determine if credit can be awarded, depending on the admitting program. The Registrar’s Office can help students with this process. When mapping out a full-time program pathway from a dual credit program, please ensure that your student would be eligible to apply for the full-time college program upon graduation by reviewing the specific Admission Requirements for their chosen program.
What is the process for helping my students to apply for a Dual Credit Pathway at Sheridan?
Each school has a designated staff person who performs this role. It may be a Guidance Counselor, Student Success Leader, Co-op teacher or a Vice Principal. Your Principal, Vice Principal or Guidance Department can provide this information. ALL Dual Credit applications must be submitted by the designated teacher at your school and will be forwarded to the College through the Dual Credit contact at your school board.
How does the dual credit portion of the program work?
For the dual credit portion of the program students receive one credit for high school and one credit for college. Please note that when using this college credit students must consider pathways as an option and not all college courses will be eligible for all full-time programs. For example, a Criminology college credit will count as a college credit but will not be eligible to be used for a full time Animal Care program however a general education college course such as Anthropology would be if the full-time program is requiring a general education elective. Please note students will only receive a credit for high school and college upon passing the course.
I want to learn more about SCWI. How can I do so?
Please reach out to your school board monitor or visit scwi.ca